Monday, December 9, 2013

The 1250 Calorie Plan!

There's just about fourteen thousand ways to lose weight it seems like. And if you're anything like me, it's damn overwhelming. I don't know if I should go raw. Cut carbs. Protein up? Become a vegetarian? What about that Paleo diet? 

Screw it. I know what works for me. And that's eating ice cream.

For me, this is the best calorie cutting plan I have found. We all know that the basic idea of losing weight is to burn more calories than we consume. Our bodies burn calories by doing everything. Less while we do things like sleep and quite a bit when we dance around the living room in our socks. 

1200 calories is the lowest amount that doctors will recommend for an average woman to consume. I think I mentioned loving ice cream. So I added in 50 more calories for another spoonful or two. :)

The 1250 Plan is nicely wrapped up in this cute little graphic:

Of course I change the slightly vary the times depending on my schedule. And often times I skip my morning snack and combine it into a larger evening snack. I'm a night owl and wine likes to keep me company!

The plan is simple though. Try to keep your breakfast under 200 calories, lunch under 350, and dinner under 500. You also get 200 calories of super-fun-snackage!

This is the best way to eat what feel like large meals along with eating every few hours. I know that personally I like to eat often and feel full when I do! I have no problem doing that when I follow this calorie consumption model.

 If you have no idea how to eat a filling breakfast for 200 calories or are wondering what in the hell you can snack on for 100 calories, don't you worry! I will have upcoming posts for tons of great ideas! Including what to do when eating out, on the go, and on a budget!

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