Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Late Night Breakfast

I skipped breakfast this morning. I suppose I didn't really skip it but my schedule is a little off. My first meal of the day is generally around lunch time. Anyhow, I had plenty of calories left for the day and the tummy got to growling. I've hushed the beast twice today between meals. Once with a hot cup of green tea and again in the afternoon with a 40 calorie fudge pop! ( Be on the look out for awesome snack posts later!)

And here you have it! I was feeling like breakfast food and I decided to whip up some Cups O' Yum! 
I've seen different versions of these here and there along the way but I made mine with things I had on hand. I must say - they were delicious! And two BIG cups add up to only 118 calories!

I added in a nice large cup of mixed berries and drizzled the top with some honey. 

This whole "breakfast" feast came in at 152 calories! Can I get a yee-haw?!

OM NOM NOM. I like my dinners to be pretty filling. I like options. And I like feeling like I'm eating a LOT of food. This meal is simple, easy, and comes pretty close to target! 3 calories over is negligible in my book. Especially when we saved calories during lunch!

I spruced up the plain BLT concept by adding 1/2 tbsp of pesto to each slice of bread before toasting. It really adds a lot of flavor and it feels as though you're eating something super savory!

I had soup which always goes well with sandwiches. I made the entire can then split the pot into two servings at 163 calories each. I paired one in a mug for dinner and I'll save the rest for a lunch or snack.

This seemed like enough food to satisfy me. But really - WHY? If I can have more food - I'm doing it!! I threw in a green pepper at a whopping 30 calories and 2 tablespoons of some spicy hummus.

The whole thing came in at 503 calories! The other awesome thing about this meal is that it takes a long time to eat. Between spoonfuls of soup and dipping each green pepper slice into hummus, it physically should take us a few minutes to actually eat. I once read somewhere that it takes 20 minutes to feel full and we often confuse thirst with hunger. So remember to drink that glass of water before each meal and take some time to eat and enjoy your food! Believe it or not, it is a privilege denied to many.

It's Lunchtime!

Here we go! Cheap meal under $3! Sometimes just to make it more appetizing, take those frozen meals and put them on a plate! Pair up with an easy low-cal salad and drink a full glass of water before eating!

This meal came in at 317 calories. That's 33 calories under budget! Spend that later with other under budget calories for a bigger snack! Or towards a glass of wine...